
31 July 2012

Sound Check & Body Check Charts

I'm joining up with Tara from 4th Grade Frolics for her Monday Made-It.  One of my summer projects was to make a Sound Check Chart for next year. 

For a free copy, click the image below.

It's fairly large which will make it visible regardless of where you are in the classroom.   I'm using a clothespin with a button attached to designate the sound level.  If the clip is on Table Voice, then only the members of their table should be able to hear their voices.  Teacher Voice is their louder speaking voice.  This is generally the voice they use when they are reading aloud or sharing with the class.

I was inspired by a chart I saw on Pinterest when I created mine.  The original sound chart was by Katie at Little Kinder Warriors.

I had a request for a Body Level Chart (see comment below).  I thought that was a great idea!!!  So, I added it to this post.  I put the Not Allowed symbol over Level 1-Asleep.  My second graders should not be asleep! But, if you have young students that have a nap time, there is a sign that does not have the not allowed symbol. Thanks so much for a great idea, and hope it will work for you in your classroom.

Click here for a free copy.


27 July 2012

Reader Punch Card

I found this fantastic pocket chart awhile back and wasn't sure about how I wanted to use it in my classroom.  I knew I was going to stray from its intended purpose. If you look at all the stuff that originally came with the pocket chart (see image further down), it was just way too busy for me!  In the end, I decided to make it a Reader Button Chart. 

This is the before image- a little busy right?
 It is called the Classroom Management Pocket Chart.

Each student will have a numbered button. I assign numbers at the beginning of the year, so they become  used to identifying with a number.  Behind each button, is another pocket.  This will be where they store their Reader Punch card.

When a student needs to go to the library, they will put their button next to one of the Library Buttons.   This will ensure that no more than 3 students go to the library at a given time.  It will also let me know which students are out of the classroom.  Every time a student completes a Book Blurb on a library book, I will punch their Reader Card with this adorable star hole punch.  I talked about my Book Blurbs and Book Bucks in a previous post.  Click here to see that post.

I had originally thought of giving them book bucks for every Book Blurb they complete, but, then I got worried about drama happening over missing book bucks etc.  I'll still use the money, but they won't store it in this pocket chart.  Rewards will be determined by the number of hole punches they receive.

I had a few requests for the number buttons to go up to 31  instead of 30, so they could also be used for a class calendar.  I updated the document and added the 3 additional pieces needed to create a calendar. There is also an extra blank button.

Click here or on the image below for your free number buttons and reader punch cards.

24 July 2012

Kiss First Day Jitters Good-Bye! Linky

I'm joining up with Abby from Mrs. Saunders' Lovelies for her Kiss First Day Jitters Good-Bye Linky  What a relevant topic right about now?  Well almost that time...I'm not exactly ready to start thinking First Day just yet! But, I do have a check-list I use.  It includes most of my first day procedures.  I really only included procedural type stuff and fun first day activities on this check list.  I left off the core subject specifics, because that changes from year to year.  Not quite in that mode of thought yet.

Click on the image below for a copy.

23 July 2012

Frame Me Photo

I'm linking up with Tara from 4th Grade Frolics for Monday Made-It.  I can't believe it's already another Monday.  Where is my summer going?!?

I've been meaning to make the First Day of School picture frame since I first saw it on Pinterest several months ago.  I loved the idea, but just couldn't find the right picture frame.  And all the ones I found were either super expensive or really bulky.  I finally found an unfinished frame at Michaels for $7 and my search was over.  I knew I didn't want it to be too large or heavy, so this was the perfect solution.  A little paint, some adorable clipart lettering from Hilary at Rockin' Teacher Materials , a heart, and I was done!  You really must check out the lettering-it is SUPER cute! I had to have Greysen help with the pic.  He loves second grade like his mama :)

I decided to change up the wording just a tad.  I put I heart second grade, instead of first day of second grade.  I'm thinking of possibly using the same frame again at the end of the year.  
Here is the original picture from Pinterest: (it wasn't linked to a web page)

Head on over to link up:)

22 July 2012

Newbie Blog Hop

I'm linking up with Janis at Grade Three is the Place for Me! for her Newbie Blog Hop.  I've been blogging for about 4 months now, and I've had a blast doing it.  4 months- I'm still a newbie right?  I sure hope so, because I really love this blog hop idea.

Grade Three is the Place for Me!
What state do you live in? Texas
Current teaching position: 2nd Grade...absolutely love it!
Teaching experience: 8 1/2 years
When you started blogging: March 20012 (during Spring Break)
Blogging Tip: Join Linky Parties and Blog Hops like this one!!! I'm  always so busy with the hustle and bustle of daily life, that I don't have nearly as much time as I'd like to check out other blogs.  But, with a Linky party or Blog Hop, it will put so many fantastic blogs right at your fingertips. 
Thanks for stopping by.  Don't forget to link up and join in the fun. 

18 July 2012

Liebster Award

Thanks bunches to Melissa at More Time 2 Teach for honoring me with the Liebster Award.  I'm super excited about it, and can't wait to pass it on to some fabulous blogs!

Here are the rules:
1. Copy and paste this award on your blog.
2. Thank the giver and link back to them.
3. Reveal 5 other bloggers and let them know by commenting on their blog.

Here it goes...
1. Jessica at Mrs. Heeren's Happenings.

2. Amanda at Teaching Maddeness.
Teaching Maddeness

3. Linda at Around the Campfire

4. Darleen at Third Grade Love
Third Grade Love

5. Heather at Teach it Today!


16 July 2012

Star of the Day

It's Monday....time for Monday Made-It! Monday used to be the dreaded day of the week, now I can't wait for Monday. Who'd-a-thought?!?  I have a daily Star of the Day in my classroom.  I wanted a new way to track who the new star is for the day.  Here it goes...

I fancied up a yard stick with scrapbook paper and stick-on numbers and ended up with a brightly colored Star of the Day Tracker.  I'm a little crazy about color!!! It also gave me a chance to play with the Mod Podge, which I have a love/hate relationship with!  I assign my students numbers at the beginning of the year, and we really use numbers for everything from Star of the Day to Choosing Caps to Cubbies.  Each day, I'll just move the clip down to the next number- this will be the Star of the Day for the day.  If someone is absent, I can just hop to the next number.

I also decide to make a poster that shows everyone's number. This is really most helpful for a sub, since my kiddos seem to memorize their own numbers as well as their classmates' numbers before long.  This is my very first time making an editable PDF, who knew it was so simple???  You will notice text boxes once it downloads, but they will not show when the document prints.

Check it out- it's a freebie.

 Don't forget to check out the rest of the links at Tara's fabulous blog, 4th Grade Frolics.
Don't forget to add your blog to the Blogs I'm Lovin' tab at the top of my blog. I'd love to show some love for your blog.

15 July 2012

Math Caps

This goes along with my Choosing Caps post from awhile back.  Click here to see the original post. In that post, I talked about using baby food lids to create choosing caps.  They were a fun way to randomly call out students' numbers during class discussions.  They really were a big hit last year, and I ended up using them for multiple purposes in my classroom.  Since they were so popular, I decided it was time for another set that I could place in a math station.  They could be used for skip counting, comparing, adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, etc.  I went ahead and added the math operation symbols and they are no longer black and white! I decided to add color.  If you cut them out and laminate them, you can pop them right in the lid.  No glue/tape necessary.

Click on any of the images below for a free copy.

09 July 2012

Job Cards

I'm linking up with Tara from 4th Grade Frolics for her Monday Made-It.  If you haven't checked out her blog all the great links, head on over!

I've needed a job chart for ages!  Every year, I assign jobs and can NEVER remember who has what job.  I have literally no wall space any longer, so I knew a large pocket chart just would not do.  I have a Star of the Day that does most of my daily jobs like passing out papers, line leader, etc.  But, I do like to assign everyone a job that they're responsible for the entire year.

Last year, I was talking to a teacher from another campus and she mentioned that she calls her helpers "professionals".  I loved it, and knew I wanted to start that this year.  I decided to make cards with spaces for me to write my students' names.  That way if I have to reassign a job, I can adjust it easily.  I'm crazy about colors, so they'll match that theme and it won't take up very much space at all! Yay!

You can find the job cards at my teacher store. There are a total of 21 jobs and 6 blank cards to create your own.  Click the image below to head to my teacher store.

The jobs included are:
Computers, Messenger, Recess, Assistant, Sink Area, Pencils, Lunch Leader, Library, Band-Aids, Sweeper, Lights, Breakfast, Directions, Mail Carrier, Supplies, Desk Monitor, Fire Drill, Spills, Chair Checker, Duster, Line Leader

06 July 2012

July Currently

I'm joining up with Farley from Oh' Boy 4th Grade for her 
July Currently. 
This is my very first time!!!

Hope you link up, too :)

04 July 2012

Teacher Bucket

I'm joining up with Tara again at 4th Grade Frolics for her Monday Made-It.  It's not actually Monday, but I did make something!  Well kinda, if you call adding a bit of velcro making something.  Actually it was probably the simplest thing I've made yet, and it will be super useful in my classroom.  It's a teacher bucket:

I had seen the pic below on Pinterest, but it didn't have a working link, not sure who to give credit to.   I liked the idea a whole lot, but I noticed that the bucket used was one of those really large Home Depot buckets.

I really needed a smaller version for my classroom.  I don't have a desk, so I thought a smaller version would work well by my computer or at my teaching table.  So, with a few inexpensive supplies from Hobby Lobby, my bucket was complete!  I bought a plain bucket from the party section, a craft tote for $6.99, and some sticky back velcro.  The totes came in other colors as well. I know I saw black and white and a pink one for sure.

I simply put velcro on the outside of the bucket and on the inside edge of the craft tote.  Velcro together and you're done.  The tote does have handles, I went ahead and cut those off, so I could use the handle on the bucket.  The velcro holds really well!  I tried to adjust it, and could barely unvelcro it to adjust it, so it will hold nicely.

Here's the finished bucket.