
15 August 2012

Classroom Door Sign

I'm really late for this Monday Made-It, but my toddler has been so sick with tonsillitis :(  It looks like the worst is finally behind us, so I was able to complete one last big project before school starts.  This is one of the first ideas I saw on Pinterest, and I'm excited that I finally have one for my classroom! I'm sure you have seen the door display that says- When you enter this are ______ .  I tweaked it just a bit and this is what I came up with:

 If you like the sign and are interested in downloading it, I adjusted the top of the sign, so it could be used by anyone.  I had to adjust a few of the fonts because PDF wouldn't embed a few of them.  Click the image below for a free copy :)

This is the original pin.  It was uploaded by user, it didn't link to a blog.  
But it's a GREAT idea and it was the inspiration for mine.

Thanks Tara from 4th Grade Frolics for a great linky! Head on over to join the fun.


  1. I love your door sign! Come over to my blog and enter my giveaway--you could win a laminator!
    I hope your little one gets well soon!

  2. So cute! I'm your newest follower. Found you off of Monday Made It!

    Rock and Teach

  3. I did the door sign that you found on Pinterest. Another blogger found it and made her own version which you can download.

    Here is the link to her blog.

    Kay (from Texas but teaching in South Korea)
