I am thrilled to be working along with H.E.B. to promote kindness within the classroom not just during the month of October, but the whole year through. H.E.B. has launched a wonderful Buddy League Program to celebrate diversity and inclusion. I received a lovely box of goodies from H.E.B. filled with resources designed to teach little ones about being a buddy and not a bully!
H.E.B. included these brightly colored posters which served as a wonderful discussion starter in the classroom. We had great conversations about what it means to be a buddy and my students loved sharing examples to go along with each of the posters.
I've noticed a lot more teamwork in the classroom and my little ones are motivated more than ever to help each other out and be there for one another. We also started sharing specific examples of students being a buddy to another child.
These stickers are the perfect way to reward those wonderful acts of kindness in the classroom!
Cheyenne earned her Buddy League sticker today!
We always talk about mighty messages in the classroom, but it's neat for our students to see that businesses such as H.E.B. support and promote these very same messages.
I would say it is super heroic of H.E.B to support education and educators! Thanks a million for all of the wonderful programs you put together for our little ones.