I have been so many things I want to share, but I keep forgetting to take pictures at school!!! So, for now I will share something I am really excited about using in my classroom. Problem solving is a HUGE part of math instruction, and I wanted to create something similar to my Bloom's Buttons that I use during reading. You can check out my Bloom's Buttons
here. These Monsters aren't exactly the same as the Bloom's Buttons, but they do contain thinking questions on a ring.
After I have my students work on a word problem, I will say it's time to get those monster minds moving...and we will choose a question. I'll probably just fan them out and let a student pick a cutie monster. I really hope these get them thinking deeper about the problem solving process. These little guys should really get that math talk going! And, they match my new classroom monster theme :)
There are a total of 24 questions. There are a couple questions that ask the same question using different terminology. This is in order to build their math vocabulary. For instance, Does your answer make sense? Is your answer reasonable?
If you are interested in these monsters, you can head over to my TPT store by clicking
here. I'd love to give it to the first 2 people that comment for free, but please don't forget to leave your e-mail :)