16 November 2014

Leo Lionni Goodies and a FREEBIE

It's been a BUSY, BUSY school year and I apologize for completely neglecting my blog.  I just finished putting together all my Leo Lionni goodies and I just had to share.  I've been meaning to put these together for years, and I finally squeezed in the time to get it done.  My students just finished these activities and really enjoyed learning all about Leo Lionni.

Here's a peek at the finished product:

 I always make anchor charts for each of the stories we read.   Here are a few:


Once my students are familiar with Leo Lionni and his stories, then they are ready to tackle writing their own Leo Lionni story.  I use the FREEBIE below for them to plan their story.

I always write a story along with my class as a shared writing piece.  This is the planning page we completed together:

I'd love to give a copy of my Leo Lionni unit to the first 3 readers that leave a comment below.  Please don't forget to leave your e-mail.
(Giveaway has ended)


  1. I love this unit! Thanks for sharing- I want to read more of his books in my classroom!


  2. I love all things Leo Leonni! YOu have great anchor charts! teresaarana87@gmail.com

  3. Great Stuff!! Need it for My unit :) thanks dodgersprincess79@yahoo.com

  4. I just saw this and want to leave a message anyway. This looks amazing!! I teach Leo Lionni every year for the past 20 years. I'm excited to add this to my wish list. Thanks for making such a cool unit twinnews@msn.com

  5. This is great. I just came across this because I am teaching a social emotional training to teachers in my area and this is a wonderful resource. Thanks for sharing.

    1. hjackson@thepromisecenter.org

  6. It looks like a timeless unit! I'm a new kindergarten teacher and I'm in love with this author and his wonderful stories. Your anchor charts are beautiful! minna.jenkins@fayette.kyschools.us

  7. This is a beautiful unit. I love Leo Lioni, such mastery of the smaller beauties of life

  8. Wonderful work! Thanks for sharing! :)

  9. I would love to get the three items mentioned above. It is the end of the year but using it in the beginning would be great!!

    1. oops!!
      Email is nicoletjones@gmail.com
