19 January 2015

Objective Headers

When I looked at my last post and realized it was Christmas themed, I realized I was long overdo for a blog post.  This new year has brought a lot of changes for my district, and one of those changes was the requirement to have all objectives posted.  My grade level already had them posted, so we felt like we could check this off our list.  They worked great and I loved that they took up very little space.  This smaller set is editable, so you do have the option of typing your objectives.  I used the bottom portion of a ziploc baggy to make a pocket to slide the objectives in. I simply used double stick tape to attach the baggy to the laminated poster. I started to refer to these posters regularly in the classroom and loved how my students could clearly see what their goals were.  The more we used them, the more I realized it was time to upgrade these posters to a larger size.

This is how the original set looks:

I decided to go ahead and make a larger size and added this to the same resource on TPT.  These are the larger posters.  Now, this set is not editable.  I kept it pretty simple.  I just laminated the posters and use dry erase markers to write the objectives.

I added the Key Vocabulary strips on the side, so that students have easy access to content area vocabulary or even key words I'd like them to remember.  These are also written with dry erase markers, so they can be easily changed.  I used magnets to hold everything on my front board, so I can simply grab it and go when they need to be changed.  Both versions of the headers are included in the same resource, so you can choose the best fit for your classroom.


As always, I'd love to give these headers for free to the first 3 readers to leave a comment with their e-mail.
(Giveaway has ended)


  1. These are great! What an easy way to post objectives for the classroom for all students to see and reference!

  2. These are great! Love the look of them!

    Christina Marie

  3. I would love to have these! My school requires we post these and this would be perfect! Thank you so much!


  4. Love them! They will be great for my students Jillwhembree@gmail.com

  5. I love these! My school doesn't require objectives, but I'm sure it's on the horizon. This is a great idea to quickly change them.

  6. These are so great! We are supposed to post objectives and I love the wipe off versions you've made! Are they on sale at your TpT shop?

    1. Thanks so much and they are absolutely available! You can find them at this link:
      :) Colleen

  7. Love love love these! My division is objective driven but this is a new way to display and adding vocab absolutely brilliant as this is my main focus.

    1. Does the set on tpt include vocabulary piece?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Hi Angela,
      Yes, the resource includes the vocabulary strips.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. These are perfect! They are exactly what I have been looking for to use in my classroom!

  10. Love it! It will make my job so much easier!

  11. Do you have the key vocabulary slips available to share or purchase on TPT?

    1. The vocabulary strips are included with the objective headers.

  12. The vocabulary strips are included along with the Objective Headers. You can find them in my TPT shop.
    Thanks bunches!

  13. Hello, I think this is s wonderful set up! What are you using for the notebook paper backgrounds?

  14. Hello, I think this is s wonderful set up! What are you using for the notebook paper backgrounds?

  15. Thank you! They are a fantastic way to display the for Adm., Parents, students and teachers.My Email is nilita61@gmail.com

  16. Thank you! They are a fantastic way to display the for Adm., Parents, students and teachers.My Email is nilita61@gmail.com

  17. I would love to have these free print outs. What a cool way to display objectives. Thank you.

  18. Being moved from a classroom to a mobile unit this is a wonderful way to display objectives with limited space.

  19. Great idea and really easy!

  20. This would be a great asset to have in the classroom! I would love to have these free print outs. What a nice way to show organization. Thank you. saclaiborne@cps.edu

    1. Hi Shaina,
      I'm so sorry that the giveaway has already ended. You can still find them in my TPT shop if you are interested.
      Thanks Bunches,

  21. Do you have the actual TEKS already typed that is displayed in the picture above. I was wondering if you have it to purchase or download. Thanks!

    1. Hi Carrie,
      I'm sorry, but I don't have the actual objectives included. I sure wish I did, it would make my life so much easier! I end up rewriting mine each year. This resource only contains the subject headers.

  22. Hello! We are just implementing Marzano's strategies in our school. I already have info that I put on my information board but I really like your vocabulary list that you put to the side. I have tried to make my own but I do like yours. Do I need to pay for your book to get that template or is it available somewhere to download it so I can laminate it. Thank you! Any other advice on Marzano's strategies would be much appreciated. I teach 5th and 6th grade math. Thank you!!

  23. Hi. I have just downloaded this from TPT to adapt for Secondary school. I can't find the Key word section is it included? also what size lined paper did you use? Many Thanks :)

    1. Hi Sam,
      Thanks so much for purchasing this resource! Once you unzip the file, you will see 3 individual folders. Each folder contains a PDF with all of the different headers. The key words can be found on pages 42-47. The lined paper background is provided on the template. You can find the lined headers on pages 18-41. If you are still having trouble locating these pages, you may need to update your Adobe software and then re-download the resource. TPT has a link to help you do this on the top of your {MY Purchases} page. I hope this helps!

  24. Great idea! I'd love a copy! linden.tell@aps.edu --- Thank you! :)

  25. This is an answer to a prayer. tkenton1@gmail.com---Thank you.

  26. Thanks so much for sharing! These are AWESOME! Just what I was looking for!

  27. Thanks so much for sharing! These are AWESOME! Just what I was looking for!!

  28. I cannot find this on your TPT page. Do you still have this as a resource? I love it so much !
