06 July 2012

July Currently

I'm joining up with Farley from Oh' Boy 4th Grade for her 
July Currently. 
This is my very first time!!!

Hope you link up, too :)


  1. Hi Colleen! I saw your blog on Oh' Boy Fourth Grade. I am looking forward to exploring it more. I just posted my July Currently. We had already posted yesterday and I didn't want to do two in one day.

    It appears everywhere is need of rain. It's in the forecast for Kansas City, MO. We'll keep our fingers crossed. BTW- I absolutely love Texas. Went there last summer as well as a few other times throughout my life.

  2. Hi Colleen! Just read your July Currently. I just posted mine as well. I also live in Texas! Woo Hoo! or YeeHaw! LOL I love using Modge Podge, it is great! I just started blogging two days ago and i can't seem to tear myself away from my laptop. This is so addicting. Hope you are having a great summer and staying cool!

  3. Hi! I just say your link at Farley's site and thought I'd come over and say hello there. I see on your currently that you just tried Modge Podge... I must say that you are going to LOVE it! Just this year I helped my son make a Nobel Peace Prize for a presentation he had to make on MLK Jr. and we MP it! It came out SUPER! Also, just a little warning, when you get a bigger house your STUFF just seems to magically multiply somehow! I don't know how, but it just happens!
    Glad to have found you. I'm your newest follower!
    :0) Melissa
    More Time 2 Teach

  4. Hi! I found your blog through Farley's Currently linky party. I also live in Texas, and I agree--we need rain!
    Swersty’s Swap Shop

  5. Hi, Colleen! Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog. :) I've added my link to your new page and it seemed to work just fine! I've never tried the "links" thing out either. I love the changes you've made to your blog. Looks cute!

    Thanks for sharing all of your creative ideas! Your blog is one of the few that I check regularly to make sure I didn't miss anything. :)

    Mrs. Heeren's Happenings

  6. Thanks for stopping by, Colleen! Your blog is super cute! Looking forward to following you!

    Mrs. Dwyer’s A+ Firsties

  7. Hi Colleen! Thanks for visiting my blog today. Your blog is very cute and I like your list. I'm a new follower!

    Heather at TeachItToday!

  8. Hi Collen, thanks for becoming one of my followers, I'm your newest one. :) I've had a bottle of Modge Podge forever and don't know why I'm so hesitant to use it so perhaps I should just take the plunge as well.


  9. Thanks so much for stopping by! I haven't posted in a bit, but mostly because I really wanted to spend some time blog hoppin'. Glad I did. I found all of your great blogs!
