06 December 2013

12 Days of Christmas...

Welcome to  Day 6 of the 12 Days of Christmas Blog hop.  If you're just joining the fun, you're in for a fabulous giveaway hosted by Dixie from Teachin' Little Texans.  Each day, you will get a freebie and several chances to win some pretty fantastic prizes. 

Here's a peek at everything in this fun-filled giveaway.

There will be several winners- YAY! 13 winners will receive a unit from above.  There will also be a winner for the pencil sharpener, which I have and LOVE!!! In addition to that, another winner will win a TPT gift card, and yet another winner for the Target gift card.

You have lots of chances to win, so enter away below!

Now, how about a FREEBIE?  I thought I'd offer my newest clip art set as a freebie.  This set contains a bunch of different trees.  It seems like I'm always needing a tree for this or that.  So, I thought I'd try my hand at trees.  If you like the totally trees clip art, then be sure to join the giveaway, because you can win the colored version in the giveaway.

Get your FREEBIE by clicking below. It will take you to TPT to download.


You are only half way through the giveaway, so you have lots of time to get your entries in.  Tomorrow, Breanne from Ms. Third Grade will be your host for the next stop.  So, click the owl tomorrow to head on over to Day 7.


 Ms Third Grade