17 July 2014

Open House Goodies

It's 12:00am and I can't sleep, so I thought I'd hop on my blog for just a bit.  My back hurts so bad right now I can barely walk, it probably wasn't such a good idea to try the highest incline on my treadmill for the full time.  I was so proud of myself, and now I'm feeling like a dummy, because I'm in total agony!

Aside from hurting myself on the treadmill, I have been working like crazy trying to finish up a few projects.  I'm really excited about this little Open House set of goodies.  It should help eliminate some of my pre-Open House stress.  I'm always scrambling at the last minute, but that WON'T be the case this year. 
Here's a peek at what's inside:

The flowers make an adorable display for Open House.  Before putting the flowers together, I love to read aloud the book, Planting A Rainbow by Louis Ehlert.  This is an activity I've done for many years, I'm glad to finally put it together digitally. 

This resource also contains a welcome sign that students can color and place on their desks for their parents.

Inside this resource you will also find student information cards.  I love to put them on a ring, so I have them with me on the go.  You just never know when you're going to need them.  There are also little tags that go along with a snack size Mounds bar.  They should make a sweet treat for your students or their parents during Open House.

And don't forget the All About Me page.  Open House just isn't complete without an All About Me activity!

If you are interested in any of these activities, you can check them out by clicking HERE.

As always, the first 3 people to leave a comment will get these goodies for free. PLEASE don't forget to leave your e-mail.  Thanks bunches and I'm off to bed. 


  1. Would love to use this! So cute!! Jennifers.bennett@lamarcountyschools.org

  2. It pays to stay up! I love this! Kutzkat@gmail.com

  3. Would love to have this as a new teacher. Asemelsberger@yahoo.com

  4. Maaaan I just missed it! ;) Very cute though!!

  5. This is super cute! I love that book. DockettA@yahoo.com

  6. Thanks so much for the sweet comments!!!!
