Here are the rules for this award:
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you.
2. Include a link to their site.
2. Include a link to their site.
3. Include the award image in your post.
4. Give 7 random facts about yourself
5. Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award.
6. When nominating, include a link to their site.
7. Let other bloggers know they've been nominated.
Let's see, 7 random facts...hmmm
1. My favorite t.v. show is Game of Thrones. The third season is so far away, I can hardly wait! How do they expect us to wait so long for the next season? I can barely remember what I saw a week ago, much less a whole year!
2. I love chocolate, but only dark chocolate. It's like Coke and Pepsi- no comparison! (Coke is better)
3. My husband is a firefighter and he's the best! Love ya James!
4. I love Texas, but one day I'd like to live in Tennessee. No rhyme or reason...just because :)
5. I sleepwalk- scary I know!!! A dr. once told me that only children sleepwalk. Really...try telling my husband that!
6. I won't eat anything that lives in the sea. Weird I know, but true!
7. I'm terrified of birds! For a long time my classroom was in a portable, and I swear some of those pigeons had it out for me.
I'd like to pass this award on to these 12 fantastic blogs. Sorry- kinda broke the rules and nominated 12 instead of 15.
1. Dixie at Teachin' Little Texans
2. Misty at 3rd Grade's a Hoot
3. Katrina at A Love for Teaching
4. Sarah at The Eager Teacher
5. Krista at The Second Grade Superkids
6. Jenny at Luckeyfrog's Lilypad
7. Stevi & Tamara at 2 Crazy Texas Teachers
8. Nicole at Mrs. Rios Teaches Second Grade
9. Katie and Lisen at Second Grade Smartypants
10. Ann at The Caffeinated Classroom
11. Jackie at Third Grade's a Charm
12. Jill at Tales from Second

Thanks so much for the award!! LOVE your blog!!! We are having a blast with ours!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the award and THANK YOU! You just made our night! I called Katie as soon as I saw it and luckily she was still awake so that we could squeal about it over the phone!!!
Thank you for the award Colleen! I will be sure to share it with some other very "versatile" blogs :)!
The Second Grade Superkids
Thanks for the award! I'll make sure to pass it on!
Teachin' Little Texans