23 March 2013

Tall Tales

I just had to share what our class did during our Tall Tall Unit.  I was originally going to create a unit, but this Literature Pocket Unit by Evan Moor was too good to pass up.  We didn't have a lot of time to use the entire unit and create all of the pockets, so we just made a smaller booklet instead.  We decided to focus on just four of the Tall Tall Characters, but this unit has many, many more to choose from.  It is intended for grades 4-6, but my second graders had no problem with it, and really enjoyed the entire unit.  

 There is a 2 pager story for each of the Tall Tales.  
Each Tall Tale also comes with the chart below and several activities to go along with each person.  I unfortunately can't share all the activities we did, because I sent them home already!

 These coloring pages did not come from the Evan Moor Unit, but I just had to include them. Second graders love coloring.  I found them at this website:

The coloring page of Davy Crockett is from http://www.education.com/worksheet/article/color-davy-crockett

 I created this little thinking map to go along with Paul Bunyan.  You can get it for free here.

One of the activities in the Literature Pocket Tall Tale Unit was a simile activity.  We simply cut the boxes apart on the worksheet and attached the pieces to a sentence strip.  It was a great opportunity to talk about similes, while learning about Tall Tales.  The picture of Paul Bunyan came from the coloring page document I linked to above.

This is a picture of Evan Moor's Book, in case you are interested.  It truly is a super resource.
 We decided to use the following Tall Tale characters in our unit:
* Pecos Bill
* Slue-Foot Sue
* Paul Bunyan
* Davy Crockett

 We finished up, by completing this Tall Tale writing piece.   You can click on the image below to download it for free.



1 comment:

  1. Thanks! These are super cute. Can't wait til we do Tall Tale Characters.
