We finished our Poetry Journals not too long ago, and I was super proud of their hard work. This post is going to be photos galore, but I just fell in love with their poems. I kept the format of the poetry journal fairly simple on purpose, because I really wanted their writing and illustrations to shine.
The Poetry Journal has
10 12 different poem templates that can simply be copied and put together in a booklet. I wanted to keep it both teacher friendly and student friendly. They really enjoyed the unit and I may have to keep adding to it, because they were super excited about writing each day!!! They really looked forward to what type of poem we would learn about next.
You can get it in my TPT store, simply click on the image below to head straight there.
Here are the types of poems included in the set:
Heart Map
Color Poems
I Like... Poems
Important Poem
Free Write Poem
(We used the template to write an adjective poem together about second graders)
There is also a description of each of the poem types included. They could be included in the poetry journal or even used on a bulletin board with student samples. I left them black and white, so students can color them if they choose. This is a sample of one:
Hey Colleen! So glad I found your blog :) Your poetry product looks fantastic!! I am your newest follower.. I hope you can hop on over to my blog and enter the giveaway I am having :)
Your poetry journals are great. The diversity of prompts and styles are so impressive. Thanks for sharing.
Granny Goes to School
Hi, Colleen! It looks like you have been busy! It's been far too long since I've looked at your blog! I've just poured my cup of coffee and am going to look around. :) Your Poetry Journals are fantastic! Enjoy your Sunday. :)
Mrs. Heeren's Happenings