23 May 2012

Writing Portfolios

I got a bit overzealous at the end of this year.  We made portfolios containing samples of their work throughout the year.  We also made these Writing Portfolios.  I saved all their writing during the year, so we could compile it into a Writing Portfolio at the end of the year.  Needless to say, it took a whole corner to house all of my work samples.  I think I mentioned before that I am a bit of a hoarder.  Our Writing Portfolios contained lots of different genres-  All About Books, How To's, Friendly Letters, Biographies, Narratives, Small Moments, Fables, Persuasives, and Poetry.  They took a lot of time to put them together.  But, my students were gems and really did most of it all by themselves!

I love the covers that children create for their own stories.  I had to share just a few...

All About Books


 Moral- Being a good friend.

The worst best friend...LOL

 Moral- Kindness

Small Moments



  1. A new Texas teacher to follow! I'm so excited! I can't wait to read all of your older posts.

  2. These are so cute - love them!
    I'm a new follower - I'm from Texas, too! :)

    Buzzing with Ms. B
